The healing power of nature and the universe is within you


My name is Sarah Green. I’m a Clinical Herbalist, Reiki practitioner, alchemist and natural healer located in Maine. I am so happy you have come here today with intention. Healing thrives with saying yes to YOU. Perhaps you are looking for interventions beyond what conventional medicine can provide or you are seeking support on a spiritual level. Whatever the case, be assured I have a deep passion for supporting others through their dynamic, ever-evolving journey of body, mind and soul. I look forward to supporting you with your holistic health goals!

Why Plant Medicine?

Mother Nature holds the key to our higher evolution. Each time I look out my window, I am amazed at how perfect nature truly is and humbled as I learn something new from her about myself and our existence everyday. The simple act of sitting in nature and listening to her wispers can bring insight and healing. 

Plant medicine has helped humans survive and thrive for thousands of years. Our body KNOWS how to use this medicine. Plant medicine can be used for all situations from acute first-aid, to chronic dis-eases, daily support, spiritual healing and much more. Many pharmaceuticals are derived from powerful plant compounds, but the isolation process forfeits the wisdom and medicine of the holistic plant, leading to unwanted side effects and more. It only makes sense from a holistic perspective  that an ever-evolving, ever-healing human would resonate well with holistic medicine which embodies the wholeness of life. Plant teachers both a spiritual layer and physical layer that we may learn from.

Plants are so much more than than what we see on the surface. The cosmic blueprint in them exists in us too. We are nature. Plants work with our body, mind, and soul to help support all bodily systems. From common ailments like the cold to more complex states including spiritual illness, plant teachers can support all who desire to seek and learn from them.

Our health state can reveal so much information to us as we evolve during our journey here. May we be inspired and not discouraged by the potential for healing. The plants hold energy that we can access to open deeper levels of consciousness and healing. They contain cosmic wisdom in their DNA and help us remember our own innate wisdom. The plants remind us how to vibrate in health and harmony as we trust and listen to their lessons and their medicine. Their spirit speaks to ours.

Remember how refreshing a walk in the woods can be? Therapy in itself. The plants and energy of nature resonate through our body and uplift the spirit. So much healing can happen on this spiritual level while reconnecting with the elements and forces of nature. Lets dive deep into plant medicine together where we work with both the spirit and alchemy of plants to find the medicine that resonates most with you. Your body knows how to work with plant medicine. Every unique individual has a plant that is waiting to teach, inspire, and support them. 

About Reiki

What are the benefits of Distance Reiki healing?

Reiki supports the restoration of your body’s vital force and energy centers to experience a feeling of wholeness and overall well-being.

Reiki and similar types of energy work have been used for thousands of years to tap into the body’s innate ability to heal itself both in person and from a distance.

Reiki facilitates a state of deep relaxation to relieve stress and tension in the body, mind and soul.

After a Reiki session, people often feel rejuvenated, a sense of euphoria and overall wellness.

Is Distance Reiki right for you?

Distance healing Reiki has been shown to be accessible through all planes of space and time. (See: NIH evidence.)

A benefit of distance Reiki is it makes this healing modality accessible to people of all ages in all locations. Reiki is for those looking to connect with their healing potential and healthiest self. People seek Reiki for trauma and emotional support, increasing intuition, physical ailments, spiritual support or to simply improve their overall well-being. Reiki trains the brain to remember how to relax and release. The journey is yours, and the potential is infinite!


Incorporating spirituality into Reiki:

Connection to spirit is a divine part of us that offers additional healing energy. Our helping spirits are called in to work with us as we journey to access infinite love, healing and wisdom. As dynamic human beings, we can all work with the spirit world to achieve peace, wellness, and experience the fullness of everyday life.